Contact Us

  • Are you a member of the class of 1977, but can't find your name in the list?
  • Were you a member of the faculty or staff at JCM in 1977 and would like to be added as a guest member?
  • Are you having trouble logging on?
  • Do you have an idea of something you'd like to see on the web site?
  • Do you want to be on a reunion committee or have ideas you want to share with the people already on the reunion committee?
  • Are you a 1977 classmate who is interested in being a mentor to someone who is currently a student at JCM?
  • Are you a current student at JCM who is interested in getting a mentor?


Send a Message to Susan Conger Hellinger, Site Administrator. Include your phone number in the message if you'd rather get a text instead of an e-mail:


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* Your Name
* Your Email
* Subject

* Message